Our Services

Dynamic engineering & construction services provider

What We Can Do

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Structural and Mechanical  Engineering Ability

Structural and Mechanical engineering Capabilities have been applied extensively over the past 4 years with commendable results. These include feasibility studies, designing,  construction and fabrication, installation, and maintenance works in the following areas:

  1. Mechanical Construction-Welding and fabrication
  2. Corrosion Control
  3. Maintenance works
  4. Installation of Steel Structures and Masts
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Mechanical Construction- Welding and Fabrication Works

International is involved in the following aspect of welding and fabrication activities:

  1.  Design and Erection of Support Structures for Buildings
  2.  Construction and laying of Oil and Gas Pipelines/Flowlines
  3.  Design and construction of Tanks and Plumbing Systems
  4.  Construction of Flowstation Manifolds and Drain/Discharge Lines
  5.  Fabrication of Production Platforms, Jackets, etc.
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Pipeline EPC

We offers a comprehensive service in the execution of pipeline projects involving laying, testing, pre-commissioning, civil, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation, cathodic protection, FOC systems and Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) works for river crossings.

Area of specialization cover:• Engineering
• Procurement
• Construction
• Unique understanding of all pipeline related problems
• Pipeline modification & intervention
• Inspection, cleaning and monitoring
• Maintenance and Leakage Detection

We welds and lays pipelines/flow lines from 2-inch to 48-inch diameter lines. We carry out these on land and swamp. We have specialized equipment to handle road crossing (thrust boring) and built-up areas as well.

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Corrosion Control

We are involved in the following aspect of corrosion control activities:

  1. Blasting of corroded Structures/facilities
  2. Painting of Flow Station Structures and Facilities using
  3. Epoxy Paints/other corrosion Control Paints.
  4. Design and Installation of Cathodic Protection Devices
  5. Pipeline clearing (Pigging).
  6. Corrosion monitoring services.
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Oil Field Mechanical Maintenance Works

We are involved in the following general maintenance of Oil Flowstation Facilities and Mechanical equipment:

  1. Borehole Maintenance/Workover Activities.
  2. Compressors Maintenance.
  3. Vessel Inspection, Hydro pressure testing and vessel Draining/cleaning
  4. Removal of Sand, Sludge, etc. from pressure vessels
  5. Relief Valves change out/replacement and Installation
  6. Generators Maintenance
  7. Boilers and Heat Exchangers
  8. Central A/C Units
  9. Cranes Maintenance
  10. Pumps   Maintenance
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Installation of Steel Structures and Masts
  1. Installation of Masts for Data/Telcomms and Electric Transmission Systems.
  2. Erection of Support Structures for Borehole Projects.
  3. Design and Installation of Central A/C systems.
  4. Design and Construction of Plumbing systems and tanks.
  5. Engineering  Standard Products and Applications.
  6. Testing and Commissioning.
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Construction and Building Engineering, Portable Accomodation

We have full capability to Build, Construct, install and maintain any Buildings, Roads, Bridges, etc. Our services in this area cover the following:

    1. Development of sites and Access Roads,
    2. Roads, Drainages, Manholes and Bridges Construction
    3. Buildings Renovation and Refurbishment,and Building Works Implementation, works for under Ground Cabling,
    4.  Design,construction and installation of portable/modular  accommodation
    5. Dredging and sand filling activities

Dredging activities are performed as both construction and maintenance functions in various waterways, especially the waterways used for navigational activities ranging from recreational boating on a lake to commercial shipping involving supertankers and container cargo ships. Dredging is also performed as part of various land reclamation programs, including beach re-nourishment, as well as for wetland creation and environmental remediation.

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Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering

Here, OBUA TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS  International Limited services include:

  1. Interpretation of Engineering designs
  2. Installation and Maintenance of Process control & Electrical Equipment,
  3. i.e. Generators, Instrument Control Panels, Battery Systems, etc. Industrial and Domestic Cabling & Tubing projects,
  4. High Tension Power Routes,
  5. Rural Electrification projects,
  6. Construction of Power Huts and Hook – Ups
  7. Installation of Earthing and Lighting Protection Systems, and
  8. Electronic Cathodic Protection
  9. Inspection, testing and commissioning of electrical & Instrumentation installations and projects.
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Telecomms/Datacomms and Computer Engineering

Below are the main areas covered by OBUA TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS operations:

  1. Installation of Structured Office Cabling (for Data/Telecomms Facilities),
  2. Datacomms Room and Underground Cabling and Conduit System
  3. Installation of Computer Raised Floors
  4. Installation and Maintenance of Satellite TV and Communication Systems in both Land and Swamp/Offshore locations,
  5. Installation and Maintenance of Masts and Towers for Data/Telecomms
  6. Transmission Systems.

Excellent telecommunications

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Project Management Service

Many organizations have experienced failed project implementation exercises due to lack of project management ability. OBUA TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS expertise in project management techniques entails the employment of Total Quality Management concept for every projectsupervised. This includes using the following techniques:

  1. Effective management of the project scope from mobilisation to commissioning
  2. Strict management of the procurement exercises
  3. Strict control of key constraining factors
  4. Appropriate management of the project personnel and the change process
  5. Harmonious co-ordination of project information and communication

Balanced management of the inherent risks in the project.

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Project Management Service

Many organizations have experienced failed project implementation exercises due to lack of project management ability. OBUA TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS expertise in project management techniques entails the employment of Total Quality Management concept for every projectsupervised. This includes using the following techniques:

  1. Effective management of the project scope from mobilisation to commissioning
  2. Strict management of the procurement exercises
  3. Strict control of key constraining factors
  4. Appropriate management of the project personnel and the change process
  5. Harmonious co-ordination of project information and communication

Balanced management of the inherent risks in the project.

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Environmental Resources Management Service

The main areas covered by OBUA TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS      International Limited operations are as follow:

  1. Industrial/Domestic Waste Management
  2. Pollution Control and Compliance Monitoring
  3. Environmental Impact Assessment
  4. Ecological Sensitivity Assessment and Management
  5. Rehabilitation of Negatively Impacted Sites
  6. Providing Environmental Information for sustainable development
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Fire and Safety Engineering

OBUA TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS  International Limited services here include:

  • Feasibility/investigative studies on designed structures to be erected.
  • Fire materials/equipment procurement
  • Installation of eletrosafety system such as:
  1. Automatic fire and smoke detectors,
  2. Fire alarms,
  3. Automatic sprinklers for tankfarms, and
  4. CO2 automatic actuation fire fighting systems.
  5. Maintenance/Inspection of fire equipment
  6. Training/Commissioning.
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